What's It All About?

Well I don't know the meaning of life, but I can tell you why this site exists. I know, not as cool, but whatever...
The Door-Matt exists so that I, Matt can showcase my art, ideas and talent on the interwebs. That way when and if my dreams, of being a concept artist or visual artist working at some wondrous place in the sky, come true I can say to all you people out there how I did it and thank you for your support, etc.
So I'll thank you in advance... gracias my friends and far thee well as I ride off into the sunset.....


Here ye be

I am pleased to introduce to you, for your viewing pleasure.... (drum roll).......
The Troll himself...... Norman!

Now, Norman here is a 42 yr old web designer, who spends his spare time starting debates on random comment threads for fun, this is called "trolling." As well as being 42 and a computer geek, Norman has absolutely no friends, wives, girlfriends, or even a mail-order bride. He does however, have a roof over his head and free meals, courtesy of mother. Yes that's right this here stud-muffin lives with his mother. So ladies, look out! 

I will most definitely bring about some more sketches and probably start up another blog, just to house this fun loving, ever loving troll....

Coming to a troll bridge near you!!!!!

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