What's It All About?

Well I don't know the meaning of life, but I can tell you why this site exists. I know, not as cool, but whatever...
The Door-Matt exists so that I, Matt can showcase my art, ideas and talent on the interwebs. That way when and if my dreams, of being a concept artist or visual artist working at some wondrous place in the sky, come true I can say to all you people out there how I did it and thank you for your support, etc.
So I'll thank you in advance... gracias my friends and far thee well as I ride off into the sunset.....


Boris Karloff

Drawing of Boris Karloff as the infamous Frankenstein monster form the 1930's Universal release.
This is for a sketch battle with a friend of mine over on Outcast Studios.
Sketched in green color-erase pencil, inked with black micron finetip markers and brush tip. Greyscaled with Copic ciao grey scale markers and dropped into Photoshop for sepia tone, extra gradients and of course the lettering.



New Blog...

Yep I set up a blog for Norman last week, and will have the first strip up later today.
here's a little incentive, lol


Here ye be

I am pleased to introduce to you, for your viewing pleasure.... (drum roll).......
The Troll himself...... Norman!

Now, Norman here is a 42 yr old web designer, who spends his spare time starting debates on random comment threads for fun, this is called "trolling." As well as being 42 and a computer geek, Norman has absolutely no friends, wives, girlfriends, or even a mail-order bride. He does however, have a roof over his head and free meals, courtesy of mother. Yes that's right this here stud-muffin lives with his mother. So ladies, look out! 

I will most definitely bring about some more sketches and probably start up another blog, just to house this fun loving, ever loving troll....

Coming to a troll bridge near you!!!!!


Just came up with an idea for a web comic.....
I'll post the prelim character sketches and basic storyline later on


Encyclopedia Brown commission

did this for a friend on Outcast Studios hope you like it!

btw sketch dumps are slowing down right now, mainly because i can't find all that much else on my computer, but i will continue to sketch and increase the size of my collection


Sketch dump number 4, Fantastic 4!

Freddy vs. Jaws

Greaser Lines


Death vs. Alarm Force

Huckleberry Hound

Scooby Doo and Scrappy Doo

Tom and Jerry


Dump number 3!

Day three of my daily sketch dump....
I'm gonna start running out of pieces to throw on here.
Humphrey Bogart

Heath Ledger as The Joker... sketched on Photoshop


Eight Ball: Photoshop

Homer J. Simpson painted on Photoshop


And it continues....

Yeah, trudging along here with some more pieces, I hope you like!

Goofy as a greaser
Figure Drawing

Dynamic Pose
